Our family name files cover Ocean County families, plus some Monmouth County and Burlington County families. If you don’t see the name you’re looking for, come in and we’ll help you start a new file! We also welcome donations to the family files, including printed family histories.
(Note: Those names in blue print are in Family History books on our shelves. All others are in folders in our file cabinets.)
Ackley, Adam/Adams, Aker, Albertson, Aldrich, Allen, Almy, Altimari, Amick/Aumack, Anderson, Andrews, Antrim, Applegate, Archer, Armbruster, Arnold, Asay, Ashton, Asson, Atkinson, Aumack/Amick, Austin, Ayers.
Babcock, Bahr, Bailey, Baker, Ballinger, Barkalow, Barnett, Bartlett, Barton, Bear, Bearmore, Beatty, Bedle, Belk, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Bevis, Bills, Bird-Burd, Birdsall, Bishop, Black, Blackman, Blair, Bodine, Bogan, Bogart-Bogert, Bond, Borden, Boshier/Bozier/Bozeyer, Boude/Boud/Bowd, Bowers, Bowker, Bowne, Boxill, Boyce/Boice, Bozarth, Braden, Bradshaw, Bragg, Brand, Branson, Breece, Brewer, Briant, Brick, Briggs, Brinley, Britton, Brooks, Brower, Brown, Brownell, Buckalew, Buckwalter, Budd, Bugbee, Bullock, Bunnell, Burdge, Burke, Burr, Burtis, Butler.
Carlson, Carol, Camburn, Camp, Campbell, Carlson, Carluccio, Carol, Carr, Carter, Carver, Cavileer, Cawley, Chadwick, Chaffey, Challender, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chandler, Chappelle, Chasey, Chattan, Cheron, Chew, Christiansen, Citta, Clark, Clarke, Clouser, Clayton, Clifford, Clunn, Cluter, Cockeran, Colie, Collier, Collins, Combs, Compton, Conklin, Conneran, Conover, Conrad, Cook, Corliss, Cornelius, Cornell, Cottrell, Cowart/Coward, Cowdrick, Cowperthwait, Cox, Crabbe, Craft, Craig, Cramer/Cranmer, Crane, Cranmer/Cramer, Crawford, Creby, Crosby, Crowell, Croshaw, Cullen, Cummings, Currie, Curtis.
Davidson, Dancer, Darby, Davidson, Davis, DeBow, Denn, Dennis, Devinney, DeWitt, Disbrow, Dodge, Dole, Dorsett, Dothiday, Doughty, Downs, Drake, Dubois, Dunfee-Dunphee, Dunham, Dye.
Earley, Eaton, Eayre, Edwards, Eggers, Elberson, Eldridge, Elmer, Elsworth, Elwell, Emley, Emmons, Emson, Eno, Ernst, Errickson, Estell, Estlow, Everett, Evernham.
Fager, Falkenburg, Farrow, Feeney, Fenimore, Fielder, Fields, Fischer, Fitz-Randolph, Fleming, Flitzcroft, Forcanser, Ford, Forman, Fort, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Francis, Frazee, French, Fuller.
Gaiter, Gale, Gant, Garrabrant, Garthwaite, Gaskill, Gautier, Gerew/Jeru, Gibbs, Giberson, Gifford, Giles, Gleason, Goble, Godfrey, Goff, Gordon, Goslin, Gould, Gowdy, Graham, Grant, Gravatt, Graven, Graw, Gray, Greene, Greenfield, Griggs, Grimm, Grischbowsky, Grover, Gulick, Gwyer/Guire/Guyer.
Hackett, Hagaman, Hahn, Haines, Haley, Hall, Halleck, Hanby, Hamilton, Hance, Hand, Hankins, Hanson, Harring, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartshorn, Harvey, Hatton, Havens, Hayes, Haywood, Hazelton, Headley, Hearce, Heiser, Hendrickson, Hensler, Herbert, Hess, Hewitt, Hibbs, Hiering, Hill, Hilliard, Hillman, Hirsch, Hirshblond, Hixon, Hoffman, Hoffmeier, Holcomb, Holman, Holmes, Horner, Howland, Hubbard, Huddy, Huggins, Hulit, Hulse, Hulshart, Hurlburt, Hurley, Hutchinson, Hyres.
Imlay, Inman, Ireland, Irons, Ivins.
Jackson, James, Jamison, Jeffrey, Johnson, Johnston, Jones.
Kates, Keeler, Kelly, Kengster, Kennedy, Ketcham, Killey, Kilpatrick, King, Kinley, Kinsley, Kinter, Kirby, Kirk, Knott, Kozelnik.
Labarr, Lacey, Lafetra, Lake, Lambert, Lamping, Lamson, Lane, Large, Larrabee, Larsen, Lavalette, Lawrence, Lawrie, Lawyer, Layton, LeCompte, Lee, Leeds, Leek, Leming, Lester, Letts, Lewes/Lewis, Lillie, Lincoln, Lippincott, Little, Loehrs/Luhrs, Logan, London, Longstreet, Lott, Loveland, Low, Luhrs/Loehrs, Lukens, Luker, Lutes, Lyons.
MacAvoy, Malcom, Malsbury, Manion, Mannheimer, Manolt, Marlatt, Marshall, Martin, Martinson, Mason, Mathis, Matthews, Maxson, Maxwell, May, Mayer, McGuire, McKaig, McKean, McKelvey, McKinney, McLafferty, Medeiros, Meier-Meyer, Meirs, Menninger, Mick, Mickel/Mickle, Middleton, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Moeller, Moore, Morey, Morford, Morris, Morton, Mott, Mount, Mulford, Mullen, Mulliner, Murdock, Murphy, Murray.
Nelson, Newbury, Newcomb, Newell, Newman, Nightingale, Nivison, Norcross, Nyberg.
Oakerson, Oliphant, Oliver, Olmstead, Orth, Osborn.
Pach, Page, Palmer, Pangborn, Parent, Parker, Parminter, Parsons, Patterson, Paul, Payne, Pearce, Pease, Peckworth, Peebles, Pendle, Penn, Peron, Perrine, Perry, Peterson, Peto, Pettit, Pharo, Phillips, Pierson, Pipins, Pistolese, Pither, Platt, Poinsett, Polhemus, Pomelear, Potter, Powers, Predmore, Preston, Price, Probst, Pruden, Pullen.
Rainier/Renier, Ralph, Randolph, Rapalje, Rattoon, Reape, Reckow, Reeves, Reid, Renzo, Reynolds, Ridgway, Riley, Robee, Roberts, Robbins, Robinson, Rockefeller, Rockhill, Rodgers/Rogers, Romine, Rose, Rossell, Roxby, Royle, Rue, Rulon, Russel, Rutter, Ryder, Ryno.
Salmons, Salter, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schenk, Scott, Sculthorpe, Seaman, Sears, Sedgwick, Sexton, Shaw, Shotwell, Shourds, Shumard, Shutts, Singleton, Skidmore, Skillman, Slade, Sloan, Slocum, Smalley, Smart, Smires, Smith, Smock, Snowden, Snyder, Soloman, Somers, Sooy, Soper, South, Southard, Sprague-Spragg, Stackhouse, Stager, Stanton, Staples, Steelman, Stewart, Stiles, Stillwagon, Stillwell, Stockton, Stout, Stoutenberg, Strickland, Sutton, Suydam, Sutphin, Sweeney.
Taggart, Tallman, Taylor, Terhune, Terry, Thomas, Thompson/Thomson, Thorne, Throckmorton, Tice, Till, Tilley, Tilton, Toms, Torrey, Totten, Townsend, Truax/Truex, Tucker, Twining.
Valentine, VanArdsdale, Van Brunt, Van Cleaf/Vancleef, Vanderhoff, Vanderveer, VanDoorn, Van Hise, Van Horne, Van Ness, Van Nostrand, Van Note, Van Sant, Van Schoick, Van Sickle, Van Vorst, Van Wickle, Vaughn, Veeder, Voorhees.
Wainwright, Wits, Walling, Walton, Wardell, Ware, Warren, Watson, Webb, Webley, Wells, West, White, Wilber, Wilburt, Wildermuth, Wildman, Wilks/Wilkes, Willets, Williams, Wills, Wilsey, Wilson, Wood, Woodmansee, Woodward, Woolley, Worden, Worth, Worthley, Wright, Wychoff.
Yard, Yates, Youmans, Young.
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Families of Old Dover – Booklets